
Maska X-VU Mares

Výrobce: Mares

Není skladem

Cena s DPH:
1 125 Kč
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  • Silikonová lícnice
  • Malá horizontální žebra kolem nosu pro minimalizování tlaku
  • Upínací pásek ve tvaru X
  • Možnost vložení dioptrických skel
Temperované skla:Ano


černá - BK
čirá / červená - RD
čirá / modrá - BL
čirá / žlutá - YL
čirá / šedá - BGR


Optical Lenses
Mares offers corrective lenses for most models. In addition to the negative diopters (-1 to -7), for some models also positive diopters are available (+1.5 to +3). Mares design makes it quick and easy to install lenses.
Small horizontal ribs between the frame and the skirt in the area around the nose. These ribs absorb and redistribute the pressure exerted by the frame onto the skirt, with a resulting increase in comfort.